Mary-Helen ‘MH’ Nsangou

Astute thought partnership for professional growth, Leadership Development, and building inclusive, high-performing, and empowered teams

  • Coaching

    Partnering with individuals and teams to identify, prioritize and explore meaningful opportunities and resolve challenges, helping them to reach their strategic goals

  • Consulting

    Working with organizations to design and improve ways of working that advance engagement and belonging, strengthen management and leadership, attain high performance and lead to inclusive, connected communities

  • Workshops

    Facilitating highly participatory, fun, thought-provoking and action-oriented learning experiences on core leadership topics for groups and teams

What People who have worked with MH Are Saying…


“MH is capable of establishing a deep connection with almost anyone very quickly. It’s as if you know her for a long time, even though you may have met her for the first time.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed working with MH and have tremendous respect for her as a person. She is highly collaborative: able to hold many perspectives and cohesively synthesize them.”

“MH fosters an inclusive and psychologically safe environment where we appreciate and celebrate diverse ideas.”