coaching wIth MH

As a coach, I partner with clients to explore current challenges and future opportunities that are meaningful to them. These may be at work, in community, or related to self-development. The coaching time is focused on making actionable progress toward the client’s goal, which may shift or change as the conversation flows. 

I listen deeply, validate experiences, and offer discerning questions and reflections that evoke new insights. This enables each client to find their path, grow and learn. 

In my experience, the most challenging experiences often offer the greatest potential for growth. If we can sit with, navigate through, and even invite discomfort with intentionality, we will emerge stronger and more clear about ourselves and the directions we choose to take.

If you’re interested in exploring coaching with me, the first step is a free 20-minute consultation to meet and assess if there’s a good fit. Then, the first 50-minute coaching session is free. If you find value in working together we will discuss a rate and time frame that works for you. 

I would love to hear from you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

“I’ve been working with MH as my coach for the last 90 days. She has supported me and provided the space to consider and make significant shifts in my professional life to untangle myself from my never-ending to-do list and position myself for career growth in an area of emerging interest. Thanks to MH's gentle presence and kind and persistent curiosity, I have been able to see my own mental roadblocks clearly, name them, and move to overcome them, rather than staying stuck as I had for the last year.

— Rachel H.