workshops for Leadership and High-Performing Teams

MH is an expert facilitator, known for creating engaging, participatory experiences that build community, spark deep insights, and ensure that the learning will be applied “in real life.” Workshops are live and offered virtually or in person, with an ideal group size of 10-15 participants. See below for available workshops and recent participant feedback.

  • Building Psychological Safety

    Psychological safety has been shown to be the key ingredient in innovative, high-performing teams. Through a discussion of participant experiences, videos, core concepts and case studies, this workshop explores how to observe the level of psychological safety on your team and to take active, thoughtful steps to increase it.

  • Empowering (and not Micromanaging) Your Team

    Autonomy is one of the main drivers of motivation. Explore how to adapt your style to the capability and commitment of each employee, providing as much empowerment as you can given the situation, using a coaching approach.

  • Effective Workplace Communication

    Communication is the lifeblood of organizations. We’ll explore and practice the components of effective workplace communication using the principles of candid, compassionate and collaborative. You’ll learn to adapt your communications, informed by the insights from the workshop.

  • Manager as Coach

    Coaching facilitates growth, learning and empowerment. In this workshop, we explore the foundations of effective coaching conversations, including a framework, skills, and practice time that can help you get started as a coach and realize the potential of your team members.

  • Manager as Coach Part 2: Double-Click on GROW

    In this workshop, we’ll go deeper into the practice of coaching, building on the foundation of the GROW model, with time for scenarios, role plays, and reflection for application.

  • Situational Coaching

    Sometimes the most important coaching moments are unplanned and take you by surprise. We’ll learn to recognize and make the most of these spontaneous moments, through fun scenarios, discussion, and practice, enabling you to be an effective coach whenever the moment arises.

  • Holding Crucial Conversations

    What makes some conversations more challenging than others? How can we best approach these conversations in a way that leads to open discussion on important topics? In this workshop, we explore these questions, plan for having hard conversations, and get ready for the ones we need to have.

  • Identifying and Disarming Microaggressions

    Depending on our lived experiences, microaggressions can be obvious and occur daily, or seem invisible and rare. Taking care to create a safe environment, and honoring the unique experiences of those in the room, we’ll define types of microaggressions, unpack their insidious messages, and explore ways to respond.

what workshop participants Are Saying

“Nice work! MH always curates such riveting content to drive home a message.”

“Great format - liked the mix. Well facilitated. MH, great job encouraging others to demonstrate exactly what they'd say.”

“MH - amazing job with these workshops and the facilitation.  Thank you.”

“This was outstanding!”

“The workshop was exactly what I needed. I've got coaching training but this served as not only as a refresher but also something things were new and just learning more was really good.”

“MH did an excellent job. I have been to many similar sessions and this was one of the best.”

“Thank you, MH, for these sessions! They are so impactful.”

“Workshop was extremely useful.”

“I thought it was great. It was a good size/number of people and I was pleasantly surprised that everyone contributed to a very productive conversation. Thanks MH!”

“Another great workshop, well facilitated and appreciate the honest sharing and participation by colleagues.”

“Loved it. Thank you.”

“A great, thought-provoking workshop.”